- All venues are centrally located so participants can easily get around. The main venue, Malmö Live (part of Nordic Choice Hotel) has high sustainability ambitions.
- Nordic Choice Hotels want to show that impact on the climate can be reduced even within large hotel operations. Therefore, all their hotels are ISO 14001 certified. Read more here: WeCare – Social Responsibility | Nordic Choice Hotels
Sustainable Malmö
The Malmö Summit - A sustainable event
The Malmö Summit is environmentally certified according to the Swedish Environmental Base Standard (Svensk Miljöbas). This means that ICLEI and City of Malmö have implemented around 50 actions to reduce negative impact on the environment and to be more socially responsible.
ICLEI World Congress Malmö 2022 – the Sustainability Vision
Learning from each other and sharing experiences is fundamental for pushing forward towards the future we want. The pandemic has taught us that much can – and should – be done online, especially when it comes to global events. But it has also taught us that real meetings matter, that something happens when you meet in real life that can’t be replaced by virtual solutions.
The dilemma is, of course, that all events have a negative impact on the environment. However, we believe that this congress has such a potential for bringing about sustainable solutions, to act as an inspiration and to raise the level of both learning and awareness, that the positive impacts will outweigh the negative. These aspects will have a long-lasting effect on communities all over the world. However, minimizing the negative impact must be the leading star of the Malmö Summit: from the planning of the event to execution, and from the moment you start looking into your travel arrangements until you are back from the conference. Everyone must make smart choices to make this happen, it applies to organisers, participants, sponsors, and partners.
The Malmö Summit is designed for limited impact on the environment through careful consumption of energy and other resources. The congress also aims to have a positive impact on the local community. Measures are taken within ten areas, here are some examples:

About Malmö
The City of Malmö is the commercial center of southern Sweden and truly an international city with about 350,000 inhabitants representing over 180 different nationalities. A city with an industrial past, Malmö has transformed itself into a thriving knowledge city which supports its young, inquisitive and creative population – almost half of Malmö’s residents are under the age of 35.
Over the last years Malmö has received many international awards for its focus on sustainable urban development and pilot projects such as the European housing exhibition Bo01, the Western Harbour, the redevelopment of Augustenborg, as well as the major development of the Hyllie area, with its smart grid, solar energy and passive housing. Malmö was also appointed the first Fairtrade City of Sweden. An ICLEI Member since 1996, Malmö is working actively for sustainability initiatives and is the first city in Sweden that has publicly announced the commitment to implement the UN SDG’s.