C2 – Setting stones towards a circular building sector: From materialization to deconstruction

C2 - Setting stones towards a circular building sector: From materialization to deconstruction

Globally, estimations in the building sector point that its share is 40% of energy consumption, 40% of resources used, and 25% water demand. In total, the entire life cycle of building and infrastructure works (production, transport, construction, operation, demolition and disposal) generates one-third of global emissions. Thus, the whole life cycle has several windows of opportunities to exploit for climate mitigation from the sourcing of its materials, operation to deconstruction, especially for those industrial legacy cities.
Large parts of their built environments are under stress of regeneration. Through re-designing the building sector along the value chain, the private sector can reduce costs, generate new economic activities and foster business innovation while local governments can meet environmental objectives, boost the local economy and unlock new employment sources.

#Cost of inaction
#Community engagement

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