Our vision for a sustainable urban world

Our vision for a sustainable urban world

The Malmö Summit will kick off with an opening plenary welcoming all participants, in-person and virtual, to the City of Malmö. High level interventions will set the scene that the world currently finds itself in regarding sustainable development, highlighting the impact, challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19 and the green recovery, and the ever-increasing importance of global cooperation at all levels to equitably drive sustainability forward.

Our speakers will address the following questions:

  • To what extent has the vision and/or definition of a sustainable city, town or region changed as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic and other new and evolving hazards in the age of multiple emergencies?
  • How have we redefined our priorities when imagining a sustainable city, town or region? What has changed in this respect?
  • How have these crises shed a light on new dimensions to be considered in our transition towards more sustainable cities, towns and regions? How has the human aspect of local sustainable development become more central to our planning and prioritization?
  • Have we witnessed a greater awareness or appreciation of the benefits of urban biodiversity, eco-system services, and blue-green infrastructure in cities, towns and regions as a result of these new and evolving hazards?

Esta sesión estará disponible también en español
Cette session sera aussi disponible en français

View the full program of the Malmö Summit