Therefore, through this session, the participants will be familiarized with the use of innovative planning tools such as Thematic Atlas, Natural Assets Maps but also with overreaching urban strategies such as Biodiversity Connectivity Strategies, Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans, Ecosystem Based Urban Planning and Green Blue Strategy.
To do so, five video presentations will all showcase one tool or strategy developed in the cities of Campinas, Dar es Salaam, Johannesburg, Kochi and Malmö. Through these short videos the participants will learn how these different tools and strategies were developed through participatory processes, how they are implemented, what their benefits are and how they could be scaled and replicated in other cities.
After the video presentations, a debate will be organized between the five speakers followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
- Gabriel Dias Mangolini Neves, Environmental Engineer, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
- Alphonce Kyessi, Prof. Dr. Professor Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Chedambath Rajan, Dr. Director Centre for Heritage, Environment and Development, Kochi Municipal Corporation, India
Session overview
11:15-11:20 CEST | Welcome remarks
11:20-11:40 CEST | Video presentations of each speaker and their city
11:40-12:00 CEST | Debates with the speakers
12:00-12:10 CEST | Questions from the audience
12:10-12:15 CEST | Closing remarks